Our Vision

For every student to identify and achieve their educational dreams, regardless of their immigration status.

Angel & Yousof at the Attainment Network Conference 2023

Photo credit: Tracy Small

Our Mission

Hands to the Future provides education and career guidance paired with wrap-around support services for refugees and immigrants pursuing post-secondary options.   

we believe

  • We believe we are all worthy of manifesting our potential and having a positive impact on our community, regardless of immigration status.

  • We believe we build strong communities through justice and peace.

  • We have a shared humanity.

Food FOr thought

Only 26% of adults between 22 to 59 who do not have a college-educated parent have a bachelor’s degree Pew Research Center.

First-generation students are more than twice as likely to leave school within three years (33%) than students whose parents have a bachelor’s degree (14%). And only 48% of first generation students are on track to graduate three years after enrollment, compared to about 66% of non-first generation students. EAB

In 2018, 17% of all students in Colorado public higher education institutions came from immigrant families. MPI

Amani Abdallah is a H2TF Board member who is advocating for student’s educational pathways.

Photo credit: Yousof Kohistani


At Hands to the Future, we are dedicated to empowering students with the resources they need to succeed. We invite you to access our carefully curated educational materials designed to enrich and enhance student learning.

We kindly request you provide your basic information for our records. This will not only help us keep track of the utilization of our resources but will also allow us to keep you updated with our latest offerings and initiatives. We assure you that your information will remain confidential and only be used for stated purposes.

Thank you for joining us in our mission to support student success!

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